How to Stop Drinking: Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

In your mind, sobriety means giving up a large part of this social life and all of the people you drink with. You may not think about this constantly, but it’s in the back of every drinker’s mind. It’s one of the things that all recovering alcoholics warn you about. Fear of loneliness can keep you cutting back or cutting out your drinking.

Talk with a doctor.

Whether you have a diagnosed mental health disorder or not, therapy is a positive tool for long-term recovery. A therapist can help you uncover key insights regarding your alcohol use and offer tools that will set you up for successful and satisfying long-term recovery. Alcohol cravings are an inevitable part of detoxing and getting sober. When those cravings kick in, it’s normal to feel anxiety, fear or shame. These negative emotions coupled with a desire to drink are challenging to navigate, especially alone.

Maybe you’re worried that people will judge you for struggling with drinking. Or maybe you’re worried that they’ll judge you for wanting to quit. It’s natural to want someone you care about to stop drinking so heavily.

Recovery Coaching

It also allows you to overcome the fear of change. You can seriously pursue your goals and invest in the type of life that you want. As part of my commitment to change, I identified alcohol as the main problem and control it.

One small drink won’t set your progress back too much, but it will be harder to get back on track if you drink yourself into oblivion. I used to be a heavy drinker, but eventually, I got tired of the hangovers and dealing with the embarrassment of my drunken behavior. Inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities are another effective place to surround yourself with people who will walk you through detox and recovery with no judgment. Put a sticky note in places where you know you’ll need that extra reminder. Set a daily message alert on your phone for moments when you know you’ll crave a drink the most. Place pictures that remind you of your why around your home, in your car or on your phone and computer backgrounds.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Once this was no longer an option, I started to write instead. I use writing as my personal therapy when something is troubling me and I need to think. I got tired of not being respected by friends and loved ones. I got tired of hating the face I saw in the mirror. On the morning of Dec 23, 2013, after another night of heavy drinking and reckless behavior, I finally admitted to myself that I had a drinking problem.

You can become conditioned to reach for a drink when your environment offers up certain cues.

Family and Children’s Programs

Eliminating your access to alcohol is crucial, especially in the early days of sobriety. There will be temptations around you that you can’t control—so focus on what is in your control. If you’re going to engage someone who’s been drinking and shown flashes of violence, don’t do it alone. Bring someone you can trust with you, advises Dr. Anand. If you’re having trouble doing the same things you used to do, try new hobbies to fill your time. Join a gym, learn a new skill, or find sober social groups you can enjoy.

  • Whichever path you take be mindful that it may or may not meet all your needs.
  • Alcohol has a way of seeping into various parts of your life, including how you spend time socializing and how you spend time by yourself.
  • Alcohol use can have a big effect on the people close to you, so couples or family therapy can help, too.
  • Caring about someone with an alcohol addiction can lead to worry and sleepless nights.
  • Because substance use disorder is a complex disease, you likely have more than one trigger.

We all become conditioned to have certain responses to triggers throughout our lives. It’s normal for certain stimuli to cause a reaction in your mind and body without even being aware of it. When you consider how to go about giving up alcohol, account for factors like how much you drink and your reasons for drinking. “I’ve seen so much drinking and driving. It hasn’t stopped. We’re here, and they don’t realize the pain,” Leanos’s aunt, Blanca, said. In response, it tries to heal itself, producing scar tissue.

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When you meet with your doctor, talk about your goals. Are you trying to drink less or stop drinking completely? You doctor also can refer you to a treatment center or experts who can help. Deciding to quit drinking can be incredibly difficult. Whether you’re struggling or just want some extra guidance, consider reaching out for support from professionals who are trained in addiction treatment. “For psychologists, many of them are addiction-informed, and in their advertisements or on their websites they will mention that specifically,” Dr. Lembke said.

  • So, to answer the question posed by the myth of Prometheus, the liver has an amazing power to repair itself after it has been damaged.
  • If I couldn’t first accept this, then there was no chance I would ever fix it.
  • The NIAAA tells you the mathematical difference between drinking in moderation, binge drinking, and heavy alcohol use.

Will quitting drinking solve all of your problems, in health and in life? No, because no single lifestyle change can do that. If that’s where you’re setting your expectations, you might feel like you gave up something you loved (getting really drunk) for no good reason, even when that’s objectively not true. One way to combat that feeling, Dr. Koob says, is to check in with yourself after a few months of sobriety to take stock of the benefits you’re reaping. Whether you’re sober curious, know for sure you’re ready to quit, or fall somewhere in between, Dr. Streem shares advice for how to stop drinking. If you’re living with alcohol use disorder (also known as alcoholism), you’ll likely benefit from additional medical interventions.

Talk to a medical pro, even (and especially!) if you’re nervous about being honest with them about alcohol.

Caring about someone with an alcohol addiction can lead to worry and sleepless nights. You might spend a lot of time thinking about your actions as it relates to their addiction, says Dr. Anand. It starts with a beer, a glass of wine or a cocktail. You watch as your family member or friend slowly changes with each tip of the bottle.